Less known than the red rose, the white rose has a meaning of its own in the language of flowers
Roses come in several varieties. Whether classified as shrubs, vines, or ground cover, roses can bloom beautiful roses depending on their specimens. The white rose known by the Latin name of “& nbsp; rosa alba & nbsp;” is considered the flower of the moon

Long used in traditional medicine, at least a variety, by the Egyptians and Greeks, the white rose now symbolizes purity, but also charm. Its invigorating scent, its dazzling petals and its refined allure make this flower, the flower of sincere friendship.
In Scotland, when white rosebushes bloom in autumn, it’s a harbinger of marriage. She is also considered the bridal rose. Which is associated with a young love, innocent and still pure.
White rose can be offered for multiple occasions
For Westerners, gifting a white rose to a woman expresses sincerity of feeling for her. However, that feeling doesn’t have to be love. The message can be friendly, that’s why, we can offer this flower to a friend, to his mother or to a person who is dear to us.
The rose of white color here relates to a chaste love. In certain circumstances, the one who offers us a stem or a bouquet of white roses may want to show us his affection. While limiting ourselves to a purely platonic relationship.
It can be offered for multiple occasions such as to congratulate newlyweds. Or to encourage a person who starts a new resolution, on the occasion of a birthday why not. It also represents truth, loyalty or even peace.
For two friends who have quarreled, usually a girl and a boy, it can mend the friendship. But deep in this rose hides a secret, innocent love that hopes to find the light of day