Canadian Tulip Festival of Ottawa 2022

The Canadian Tulip Festival takes place in Ottawa. This year we were there!

It had been several years since we heard about the Canadian Tulip Festival in Ottawa. And as flower lovers, we dreamed of going there! Unfortunately, a global pandemic decided otherwise, and we had put our project aside.

Canadian Tulip Festival

Finally, COVID-19 is giving us some respite in the spring of 2022. So we take the opportunity to go to Canada’s capital!

The festival takes place from May 13 to 23, 2022 in Commissioners Park located in downtown Ottawa. We were there on the first day of the festival, in rather unusual heat for mid-May. It was indeed 29°C while the average is more around 15°C in this season.

We arrived at the park a little late, the sun was no longer at its zenith. So it was less hot but the light was not exceptional for taking pictures.

The park is dotted with several beds of tulips, the latter being grouped by variety and color.

You could find purple dream tulips, easily identifiable with their mauve color and pointed petals. This gives them an incomparable charm and they were very popular with visitors.

purple dream tulips

In the category of tulips with pointed petals, there were also Ballerina lily-flowered tulips. The difference here being the color of the petals, since these tulips are a flamboyant orange color.

tulipes frangées

Further in the park was a beautiful bed of fringed tulips. Unfortunately, I did not retain the name of the variety. Maybe they were Queenslanders or Huis ten bosch. If you’ve been through the festival and know the name of this strain, let me know in the comments.

festival canadien des tulipes d’Ottawa

In the middle of a sea of ​​grass was a bed of yellow empress tulips whose bright yellow contrasted with the green of the surrounding grass. It gave the haunting impression of a sun lying on the ground.

tulipes yellow empress

At the southeastern tip of the park, we came across a final bouquet where 5 varieties of tulips mixed together like a firework of multiple colors. There were Mariette, Flower power, dream touch, Garden Fire and yellow Madonna tulips grouped together.

Ottawa Canadian Tulip Festival

There were still many other varieties of tulips present at the 2022 Ottawa Canadian Tulip Festival. The purpose of this article was not to comprehensively cover the varieties on display but to introduce you to the 2022 edition of festival. I hope this has given you the desire to go there.

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